Monday, December 9, 2019

Psychosocial Ego Ddevelopment by Erickson

Question: Discuss about the Psychosocial Ego Ddevelopment by Erickson. Answer: Introduction Eriksons stages of psychological development was formulated by Erik Erikson jointly with Joan Erikson is a comprehensive psychoanalytic theory that identifies eight stages. A healthy individual passes through different stages from infancy to late adulthood. At every stage individual surpasses challenges that plays a significant role in his growth. Each stage is developed due to successful completion of previous stage. In case if one stage is not completed successfully the problem will reappear in later stage. It is not necessary that every individual will give similar outcome to a problem (McLeod, 2008). Every individual has a different way to tackle a problem. Individual at every stage needs to reconcile according to their belief and understanding (ERIKSONS STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT, 2017). He emerges out of the previous stage due to corresponding virtue. The report is based on a past personal experience of my life. It represents the procedure through which I managed to overcome my past conflicts. With time every individual faces different crises that alter their behavior in life. This report describes my past experience and its effects. Background I was born and brought up in Ghana till the age of 8. Time actually altered when my family decided to relocate to Canada. Initially I and my sister were very excited with a though of moving to new place. Canada welcomed our family in a warm manner. Time in fact changed when my parents got my admission done in a local school. I still remember it was my first day at new school. I was keen to make new friends. The environment was very different and the most difficult thing for me was to imbibe the local culture. Most of the kids at school used to make fun due to my poor English and communication skills. It was very depressing for me in the initial days. There were very few kids in the class who used to speak to me. All I felt was loneliness and despair. An initial year at primary school was a nightmare for me. Some days I used to skip school by making a false excuse. Thinking of those days still scares me. As a child it is a difficult task to relocate to some unknown country. This thing took a toll on me for almost a year. Erickson Model (SOURCE: McLeod, 2008) According to Erickson Ego develops after successful resolution of the crises. This involves successful establishment of trust in oneself. The theory is on socio-cultural as well as psychological crises faced by an individual. On crossing each stage an individual faces different situation. This is due to the effect of individual growth and behavior to overcome a situation. Every individual has a different way to tackle a problem (Rutjens et al 2013). Individual at every stage needs to reconcile according to their belief and understanding. As a child I faced serious trouble while relocating to Canada. There was a time in my life when I was facing critical issues. The decision to shift everything to Canada was a significant milestone in my life. Erickson has divided the stages of life into 8 parts. The next stage starts after the completion of the previous stage (Dunkel Sefcek, 2009). As per the Erickson model, the situation is considered under 4th category. The forth category is described as Industry vs. Inferiority (Competency). This stage occurs during childhood from age of 5 to 12. Children during this stage begin to learn, read and write. Teacher plays a significant role in this stage of an individual. At this stage the child peer group plays a significant role. The child requires winning approval by demonstration of specific competencies. A child begins to develop a sense of pride in their accomplishment (Ferrer-Wreder et al 2008). Children at this stage require continuous motivation and encouragement to achieve the goals. In case if a child is restricted then he begins to feel low. This stage has a huge impact on later stages of development. Restrictions at this stage affect the abilities of an individual in accomplishing future goals. If a child is encouraged at this stage they feel accomplished and begin to feel industrious and confident. If the initiativ e of an individual are not encouraged then the child is not confident about achieving goals. Child begins to doubting his capabilities if restricted by their parents. A child generally develops special skills in this stage. It is essential for an individual to fail in order to develop modesty. A balance in between competency and modesty is essential for a child to develop future virtues (Berzoff, 2011). As per the given case study, it is clear that relocation from one place to other had a negative impact on the mental status of a child. This can be seen through individual behavior that the future modulation at this stage causes huge future impact. I needed support from the school and my classmate. I felt left out in the initial years of relocation. It is due to the fact that I had issues in developing capabilities according to the surrounding. Being a non-English speaker I have to cope up with the peer pressure as well. The stage has a long-term impact in my life. There were significant changes in my behavior that led to inferiority complex. The two years of my life after relocation were hard to manage. I fail to develop competency in initial two years. Lately I was able to manage the situation when I made new friends in local community. The issues were difficult to manage but the school teachers were cooperative. They helped me in nurturing new hobbies like swimming and dancing. Wi th that perspective I was able to identify core-competency within. Implication of additional theories Piagets Theory of development The concrete operational stage is the third part of Piagets Theory of cognitive development. As per this theory the individual gain better understanding of mental operations. A child begins to think logically and understands hypothetical concepts. It is clearly visible that the particular given situation had a long term impact on my life. The event led to modulation in the future consequences. At this stage an individual understand the changes occurring in his life. He struggles to imbibe the consequences in his life. He starts reasoning and understands the logic behind the stage. The stage of cognitive development is caused due to transitions in life. This growing ability has a long term impact in overcoming the formal stage of development (Cherry, 2016). This is however necessary that one starts to understand the implication of any major event in life. This is important part of ones life when considering individual development procedure. This stage reflects that the individual is not only growing physically but logically as well. The knowledge regarding the practical procedures in life depicts that he is ready to question on things which are not logical according to him. John B. Watson and B.F. Skinner Behavioral Theory John B. Watson and B.F. Skinner in the behavioral theory have stated that one significant event led to various consequences. A behavior of an individual is affected by an event occurred at the different life stages. The positive and negative modification in life has a long term impact on individual decision making (Skinner, 2014). The program given by the author has helped in determining the manner in which evaluation and effectiveness is affected. According to the author it is effective that the reinforcement or punishment in life leads to different. It is mostly related with the mental state. The behavior of an individual is primarily affected due to environmental changes. In the given situation, the respondent shift to different place that led to sequence of behavior. It is essential for an individual to develop effective behavioral traits and necessarily focusing upon different attributes (Staddon, 2013; Shapiro, 2014). Recommendations and Conclusion It is important to study the individual behavior and a correct understanding about an object. It is seen that I as an individual underwent multiple changes due to a life changing event. Development taking at different stage has a long lasting impact. This is important that one need to focus on the initial years of development. It is visible that in the initial years of growth one needs excessive support from surrounding. The fluctuation in the behavior is the sign that the individual requires support. It is however important that the individual should start developing a major part of his future behavior due to current consequences. Under this situation he requires assistance from Behavioral Therapist. Following are the two organizations that play a vital role inn managing the issues faced by children undergoing conflicts: 1.(Canadian Association of Psychoanalytic Child Therapists) 2.(Centre for Addiction and Mental Health) These two associations help in attaining desired objectives by resolving the problem one is facing during his childhood. The counseling session provided by the organization helps in getting out of a depressive situation. The report constitutes three effective theories that are necessary to be implemented in the context of current scenario. There is a constant necessity of support to a child who is undergoing mental changes. References Berzoff, J. (2011). Psychosocial ego development: The theory of Erik Erikson.Inside out and outside in: Psychodynamic clinical theory and psychopathology in contemporary multicultural contexts, 97-118. Cherry,K.(2016). ONLINE). Retrieved from: (Accessed on: 6 April 2017) Dunkel, C. S., Sefcek, J. A. (2009). Eriksonian lifespan theory and life history theory: An integration using the example of identity formation.Review of General Psychology,13(1), 13. ERIKSONS STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT,(2017). (ONLINE). Retrieved from: (Accessed on: 6 April 2017) Ferrer-Wreder, L., Palchuk, A., Poyrazli, S., Small, M. L., Domitrovich, C. E. (2008). Identity and adolescent adjustment.Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research,8(2), 95-105. McLeod, S. (2008). Erik Erikson.(ONLINE). Retrieved from: (Accessed on: 6 April 2017) Rutjens, B. T., van Harreveld, F., van der Pligt, J., Kreemers, L. M., Noordewier, M. K. (2013). Steps, stages, and structure: Finding compensatory order in scientific theories.Journal of Experimental Psychology: General,142(2), 313. Shapiro, E. S. (2014).Behavioral assessment in school psychology. Routledge. Skinner, B. F. (2014).Contingencies of reinforcement: A theoretical analysis(Vol. 3). BF Skinner Foundation. Staddon, J. E. R. (Ed.). (2013).Limits to action: The allocation of individual behavior. Academic Press. McLeod, S. (2008). Erik Erikson.(IMAGE). Retrieved from: (Accessed on: 6 April 2017)

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