Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Essay on Apartheid in South Africa - 1292 Words

Blacks shared the pain of Apartheid in one of the darkest periods in history. Blacks were horribly oppressed by tyrants who obliterated their happy, healthy lives for nothing more then their own interests. Many Laws were passed that restricted blacks from the freedoms that all people should rightfully obtain from birth. White South Africans took the black population by the throat, making it hard for blacks to live as happy people. Black South Africans were held in a form of imprisonment and could do little to fight back, causing Apartheid to be one of the darkest periods in black history. Apartheid was introduced as a part of the National Party’s campaign in the 1948 elections. With the National Party victory, Apartheid became a national†¦show more content†¦In the 1950’s some changes occurred. The migrant labor act was abolished because the government did not feel the need to segregate the cities as much as they did in the past. So initially blacks were stuck on rural reserves most of the time and were being treated worse and worse. This was called the Bantu authorities act, established 1951. On a good note, there were people on the Black African’s side from the beginning. Prime Minister Smuts wrote, quot;The idea that natives must all be removed and confined in their kraals is in my opinion, the greatest nonsense I have ever heard.quot; (Smuts 1) Steven Biko wrote, â€Å" The government of our nation is full of tyranny† (Biko 1) Despite all the fighting back, apartheid was a loosing battle for blacks in South Africa until the lat e 1900’s. Apartheid took off in 1948 when the national party won the election. It was all downhill from there for the blacks. In 1950 the population registration act was passed. This act classified people as either white, black, or Bantu. The apartheid fooled other countries into believing it was a lifting in a state of emergency. In 1951 many whites did not like the black people so a commission was formed to set and regulate segregation laws. In 1952, Nelson Mandela and Tambo opened the first black legal firm. This was a small step for the blacks at the time. In 1953 the public safety act and criminal law amendment were passed which allowed the government to enforceShow MoreRelatedThe Apartheid Of South Africa1174 Words   |  5 PagesSome periods in human history are simply shameful. The period of apartheid policy in South Africa was one of these times. Apartheid featured a rebirth of racist legislature in South Africa from the 1950s to the 1990s. Essentially, these laws treated people w ho were not white as completely separate from society; the term apartheid literally means â€Å"apartness.† The national legislature in South Africa wanted to suppress blacks and ensure a white supremacy in the government. 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It’s a curious ponder, in fact, that America’s and South Africa’s ascents from racial discrimination were possibly involved with each other. However, while the world may be convinced the nation is out of racist dep ths, evidence displays the rise from discrimination in South Africa is undeniably incomplete. There is a dangerous and unresolved influence of apartheid in South Africa today. After World War 2 was won byRead MoreThe Apartheid Of South Africa1333 Words   |  6 Pageshistory of South Africa all we could see is racial discrimination. Africa was all in control of Whites till 1994. South Africa got free from racial discrimination when Nelson Mandela took a step became the first black prime minister of South Africa. Contemporary South Africa is now economically strong and it is completely a racial free state. The contemporary South Africa is now in race with every state in every field. Before 1994 South Africa was completely under control of Apartheid. WHO IS APARTHEID

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